March 05, 2007

Pediatric Nuclear Medicine

Love working with children, but thought the only careers in medicine that allowed you to do so were to become a doctor, nurse, or pediatrician? Think again. Pediatric nuclear medicine specializes in helping doctors diagnose babies, children, and teenagers.

According to Radiology Info pediatric nuclear medicine helps diagnose childhood disorders like gastrointestinal bleeding, infections, bone trauma, and tumors.

Since small children aren’t fond of doctors or being poked by needles and find large pieces of equipment scary, your role as a pediatric nuclear technologist would involve calming the children down as well as performing your duties.

Depending on hospital policy and the personalities of your little patients, calming them down may be as simple as telling a joke or as complex as explaining what every piece of machinery does. Performing the tests, however, may be a bit more difficult and require a lot more patience—as little children tend to squirm and move around a lot.

To learn more about the role of a pediatric nuclear technologist and what’s involved, visit Radio Info or contact us to discuss becoming a begin a career as a nuclear medical technologis.

Come back on Wednesday as we send you on a scavenger hunt around the web to learn more about pediatric nuclear medicine.

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