April 02, 2007

Entrance Interviews

Sometimes grades from high school or current college courses are not enough to get into medical school. Sometimes, college admissions personnel want to know more about you and why you think medicine would be a good fit—career wise.

Here are a few tips to help you make a good first impression during your college entrance interview:

  1. Eat before the meeting.
    Nothing makes you more fidgety than getting the shakes because you skipped a meal or two. And nothing is more embarrassing than a loud, grumbling stomach. Besides, eating just might help calm your nerves!

  2. Dress nice.
    You don’t need to wear a suit, but where something that shows you are serious about your meeting.

  3. Be on time.
    Show the interviewer that you value your education enough to show up on time. Remember, excessive tardiness or absences can get you kicked out of school.

  4. Sit up straight.
    Slouching tells the interviewer that you aren’t interested in what he/she has to say.

  5. Give eye contact.
    Show the interviewer that you are secure in who you are. If you can’t look the interviewer in the eye, how are you going to be able to look your patients in the eye?

  6. Be honest.
    Don’t avoid questions you don’t have answers to. And never lie—especially if a simple computer search can turn up the answer. If you’re unclear on what’s being asked, ask for clarification.

  7. Be prepared.
    Know why you are in the meeting and what is expected of you. Some entrance interviews require resumes, letters of recommendations, copies of previous college or high school grades, and even bank statements showing you can indeed afford to attend the school of choice—and if you can’t, that you have some way of paying for your education such as a student loan, grant, or scholarship.

  8. Say thank you.
    A little manners can go a long way. Take the time to thank your interviewer for making the time to see you and for answering your questions.

To learn more about how to act during a college entrance interview, read these articles:

Come back on Wednesday as we discuss what to say during college interviews.

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