April 04, 2007

What To Say During A College Interview

While most colleges do not require admissions staff to conduct interviews with prospective college students, select colleges do so it never hurts to be prepared. Besides if your college application has something listed that needs further explanation or clarification, a trip to the admissions office could be the smartest move you ever make!

The key to a successful interview isn’t polished, flawless answers or high test scores. Sure those help, but the key to a successful interview is showing the admissions officer that you take your education seriously.

When answering questions, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Be brief.
    When you’re nervous, you have a tendency to ramble. Don’t. Answer the question asked directly. Offer any explanation necessary to get your point across, but don’t get side-tracked.

  2. Be specific.
    Did you take Chemistry II and fail, but later passed with a C? Why did you fail? How did you accomplish the C the second time around? Don’t be afraid to tell the truth: major illness, a death in the family, job loss, learning disability, or you simply couldn’t grasp the subject the first time around. Just don’t offer excuses—everyone has them and they won’t help you succeed.

  3. Share your successes.
    When asked why you should be accepted into the college, don’t just list off a bunch of awards and accomplishments. Don’t just tell the admissions officer where you see yourself when you graduate. And don’t just mention your strengths. Share a few success stories. Give concrete information showing how you went from point A to point B and what the outcome was. In other words, show off your assets.

  4. Show interest.
    Take the time to ask a few questions of your own. What questions do you have that you couldn’t find on the college website, in the application packet, or through word-of-mouth? Show the college admissions officer that you are so serious about attending that even after you did your research you still have questions and would like answers before the interview ends.

Interested in a career as a diagnostic medical sonography or nuclear medicine technologist? Our admissions officers are ready and willing to answer any questions you have.

Come back on Friday as we tell you what types of questions to be prepared for.

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