May 18, 2007

Finding Money For College, Part 2

On Wednesday, we discussed three ways to help fund your college education, aside from student loans, pell grants, and scholarships. Here are two more simple, but effective ways to create money for your education.

4. Consolidate loans.
When all else fails, consolidate your credit cards and unsecured loans into one large loan. Often, by consolidating several bills into one bill, you’re able to cut your monthly payments in half and decrease the amount of interest you pay out each month.

Just make sure that you are careful about the company you use to consolidate your loans because some companies can actually hurt your credit score.

5. Sell your stuff.
Whether you choose to place an ad in the local paper, host a garage sale, or put your “stuff” up on e-Bay, getting rid of thing you purchased and never use is a great way to earn extra money for college. You can use that money to get rid of debt, thus freeing up your monthly income, or you can use it to fund your college experience.

While these tips may not seem like ways to increase your income, if you’re diligent in your attempts to cut your spending, you’ll discover money you never knew you had.

Come back on Monday as we talk more about college and the medical field.

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