May 21, 2007

Women Return To College

When women marry and have children, their main role becomes that of “mother”. For many women, that new role often means letting go of dream jobs in exchange for more flexible schedules that allow them the freedom to be there when their little ones need them most: sickness, doctor appointments, school field trips, extracurricular activities, and so on.

But what happens when those children graduate from high school and move on with their lives? While some women will use the free time to pick up hobbies, most women discover a need to complete their own dreams—even if that means returning to college!

If you’re experiencing the empty nest syndrome and want to tackle the role of college student, you may find these articles inspirational:

Why baby boomers are returning to college….

Grant opportunities for women…studies show more women complete undergraduate degrees than men…

Mother’s dreams fulfilled…

Come back on Wednesday as we discuss all things IAMP.

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