According to research, the pay for a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer averages $29 per hour or $55,000 per year. To find out what the pay scale would be for your area, check out Salary.com
The Job Market…
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 42,000 Diagnositc Medical Sonographers held full-time jobs in 2004 with 6 out of 10 of those sonographers working in hospitals.
And according to the Florida Area Health Education Centers, 650 job openings for a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer will open in Florida alone, in 2008.
Finding Employment…
Or course, you wouldn’t start actively looking for work until you’ve received your certification, but it never hurts to find out what the job market is like before putting all that money into tuition and all that time into studying!
But once you receive that certification, the sky’s the limit.
Your first step towards locating the right job is to determine what type of environment you want to work in: hospital, clinic, doctor’s office, lab, or research facility.
Once you have a better understanding of your ideal environment, it’s time to start hunting for that ideal job. Start by calling the human resource center. If no jobs are open, ask if resumes will be held for future openings. If yes, submit. If no, look elsewhere. Once you’ve tackled HR, check out your local newspapers: online and in print. Finally, don’t hesitate to visit job boards, like:
Come back on Monday as we discuss Radiographer: what it is, what it entails, and where you can find work.