While this feat was achieved a few months ago, we wanted to share this item with the blogosphere as posted in our newswire:
IAMP is pleased to announce the programmatic accreditation of the Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) program at the campus of Delray Beach, Florida. The DMS program is a two year associate of science degree program which is accredited programmatically both in General and Cardiac modalities.
We are pleased to announce that we are the 57th accredited program in the country and also the only program in the state of Florida with two concentration accreditations as a private two year degree education. Our graduates can take the ARDMS registry exam in both RDMS(Abdominal and OB/GYN) and RDCS(adult Echo) immediately upon graduation.
We want to thank all the faculty and clinical affiliates at Delray Beach who have been instrumental in this achievement. We also want to thank the JRCDMS team for their review and approval of our program.