Was it really the name of the college that provided the career, the income, the lifestyle? Or was it the education the college provided? Surely it wasn’t the tradition of having five generations graduate from the same place…
It’s rare that you’ll find a technical school, a two-year college, or a trade school so highly praised. But when it happens, there’s reason to rejoice and that’s what this post is all about…
All In The Family
We’re calling this our Friday Praise Day because one family has chosen to start such a tradition.
In our winter newsletter we brought to attention the proud tradition started by Ravi Johnston. Seven years after graduating with a 4.0 G.P.A. from our Nuclear Medicine Technology program in 1993, Ravi’s cousin graduated from our Diagnostic Medical Sonography program. Two years after that Ravi’s brother graduated from our Nuclear Medicine Technology program and finally, 13 years later, his wife graduated from our Diagnostic Medical Sonography program.
Just goes to show that a little hard work does go a long way. Congratulations to Ravi for making a decision that has not only changed the course of his life, but that of his family as well. And congratulations to all the hard-working, dedicated students (past and present) of IAMP!
*If you’ve recently graduated from IAMP and would like to be interviewed on this blog, leave us a comment. We’ll get back with you shortly!
Come back on Monday as we discuss cardiovascular sonography.