Sonography diagnoses illnesses and diseases during their early stages. Early detection allows doctors to provide proper medical treatment—treatment that could mean the difference between life and death.
And if you have a compassionate heart and can show empathy for those diagnosed with life threatening diseases, such as cancer, you’ll be a God-send. When a patient is given “bad” news, he/she needs someone there who can lend an ear, share a prayer, and even offer a shoulder to cry on.
Once the “bad” news is given, the patient will return to you, the sonographer, for follow-up tests. During those tests, your patient may experience anxiety or break down in tears—fearing the worse. It’ll be your job to provide comfort and empathy, to calm down your patient so that you can obtain an accurate reading.
To learn more about how early detection can save lives, read the following articles:
Transvaginal Ultrasound Detects Early Ovarian Cancer
Sonography Better At Detecting Breast Cancer In Women Over 45
Ultrasound Detects RH-Negative Complications In The Womb
Ultrasound Detects Melanoma Metastases Missed by Clinical Examination
Ultrasound Shows Healing Progress Of Fracture And Need For 2nd Surgery
Come back on Monday as we clinical training.