Sometimes the best way to learn about a college is to read the college newsletters. You’ll discover many things about how the college is run, what college graduates have been able to accomplish with their degrees, what’s happening in the college that may or may not effect your college education, and whether or not it’s the place you want to spend the next few years of your life.
The Institute of Applied Medical Professions offers quarterly newsletters, all of which are archived online at http://iamp.edu/newsletter
Here’s just a sample of what you’ll find in our newsletters:
Fall 2006
Learn more about one of our ultrasound instructors, Debbie Ridolfo.
Discover why obesity interferes with obtaining good images during sonograms.
Learn 4 tips designed to help you become an excellent sonographer.
Fall 2005
Good credit helps student obtain loans to fund their college education. Discover
7 tips designed to help you improve your credit score.
Fall 2004
Discover 5 tips for conducting the job interview.
Read about one sonographer’s experiences with older machines and staying current with the latest technological advances.
Come back on Monday. We’ll be discussing why sonographers need to be physically fit.